Sunday, May 15, 2011

Yesterday we took the train to the slums and were able to attending a church service. The worship was beautiful... afterwards we prayed with the congregation and went to a home (in the slums) where we all sat taking up the whole room/home and served a wonderful meal! However... earlier that day i was not feeling the greatest and when we reached the train station it did not settle down... i was feeling miserable .. we had to get a cab to bring us back but praise God this afternoon i am feeling better, hopefully i will be able to eat something for dinner tonight!

Yesterday we also had Monica a lady trying to leave prostitution come and wash our clothes, we all paid her a generous amount when she wanted nothing.. this was able to pay her rent that she was desperate for.. she has been very close to suicide lately as her landlord said he would rape her if she did not get her money in... and all she wanted was to leave that life.. she feels trapped. When we handed her the money the joy was written all over her face.. she speaks hindi so we could not understand in words.. but she walked around giving us all hugs and her eyes spoke her gratitude... what a blessing that we could help her and share Gods love in such a simple yet huge way in her life! Praise God!

Love you all!

Thursday, May 12, 2011

We made it here to MUMBAI!!!! What a different part of the world.... i have never seen this many people in my life, the city is constantly busy of traffic, people and animals... the horns never stop honking, the smells are the worst i have ever smelt, and the tastes are always spicy.. and the LORD is doing AMAZING things!! We have been able to experience the lives of those living in slums, living on the street and rescued from brothels.. When we were at the half-way home i met a girl who was 16 years old, she for the first time shared her full story with Jennifer( a girl on my team) and I.. Over 45min or so she shared a story and in brief this is what it was..

her father died of cancer and she was given to her uncle she had been given drugs by him and then raped on a regular basis by him and his friends, she then showed us scars marking her body from brands that he would do to force her to take the drugs and often beat her as well, one time she spend more then 2 months in the hospital due to injury and sickness, she ran away many times only to be tracked down by police of her uncles who supported what he was doing, sending her back to his home every time where she was beaten and raped even more out of his anger... this last september she ran away to a hostel and was sent to the half way home with Oasis( the organization we are working with) on May 4th... she was trapped in this for 4 years now, and is for the first time feeling safe, although she said many times she is scared her uncle will find her ... "he always does" she says she wants to be a doctor someday, her english was outstanding! and her relational skills blew me away, for 16 years old she is very mature and has a servants heart as all she wanted to do was help us and the other girls in the home... not only did she touch my life but in the end she said with the most sincerity " Its like.. a weight, a weight has been lifted right off of me"..Praise God!! I am so excited to visit her again next week and all of the other girls at the home.. Please Pray as we step into the lives of these girls that the Love of Christ would touch their lives so the would be healed and restored... She was an inspiration.

From Mumbai India :)

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

"You reach for me with a love that covers all my fears...
So many people in this world and I hear You calling out my name ,
You reach for me and now Im never going to be the same" -- Reach by Peter Furler

My first plane takes off in 2 days 13 hours and 21 min!! My mind is beginning to focus, and my heart is ready to overflow with Christ's love. I continue to imagine these children today who are broken down, hurting with emotions and devastating images ...they have no idea that in less then a week they could have a greater hope, a stronger peace, and a love that covers all their fears. God is going to touch lives through our group...this joy is setting in me already!

Thank You for the support! Prayer is going to cover our team with safety, discernment and love as we reach for these children. This is really happening!! I feel so blessed that you have all been there, cheering me on so this day could come. Be Blessed, for you have Blessed me!